Professional Profile

2011- Commenced Master of Teaching (Primary)
Graduated with a  Bachelor of Music, Sydney Conservatorium of Music. 
Senior First Aid Certificate.

2010- Perf. Cert. Cello (AMEB)
Cello & Double Bass tutor, Bishop Druitt College (on-going). Internship with Limelight magazine, ABC. Articles published by Limelight Magazine (ABC) and Stringendo Magazine (AUSTA.) Volunteer for Rotary Youth Getaway Camps.

2008- International tour & documentary filming with SBS Radio & Television Youth Orchestra.

2007- HSC Bishop Druitt College, Coffs Harbour.

My transition into teaching...

When one of my year 12 teachers, an amazing role model and mentor, suggested that I too follow education as a career, I laughed at him. The thought of my schooling life coming to an end was all too exciting, and the world seemed like such a big and amazing place (and remains so). Why would I want to go to university, only to end up back at a place that I was so eager to leave?  Instead, in my Bachelor degree, I studied arts and music. I am sure that I learnt a great deal from my studies, but it didn't feel right. I was becoming very frustrated, as my year 12 teacher had encouraged me to go out into the world and make a difference, and really, I wasn't helping anyone.

Upon completing my bachelor degree, teaching, I  had decided, was the way I was going to do this. Why wouldn't I want to follow in the footsteps of the amazing teachers that I had? Why wouldn't I want to make such a huge difference in the lives of young children?

On completing of my Masters of Teaching, I would like start my teaching career in rural NSW, with the aim of gaining some teaching experience. I also aim to undertake a Masters of education (research), with a focus on indigenous education. I would eventually like to teach in a rural community in the Northern Territories. Currently, it is estimated that only 1 in 5 indigenous students in the NT are literate. This needs to change.
At the end of 2012, I also plan to spend 3 months teaching at an orphanage in Cambodia. I think gaining international teaching experience will be invaluable, and it will be great to be able to bring my experience to the Cambodian children.

I strongly believe in children having access to a well rounded education. It saddens me to see a curriculum that is unbalanced and lacking in creativity and imagination. I hope I can give my students a broad range of experiences and ideas which will prepare them fully for the world which they will enter into. I hope to instill within them a love of learning. I hope to serve as a role model, through both words, and actions.

For more information please see:

Indigenous Education

EdPod ABC 'Indigenous Literacy'

Indigenous Literacy Foundation

Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience  (AIME)
DEEWR Indigenous Education

Teaching in a rural location 

EdPod Teaching in rural & remote locations.

DEC- Beyond the Line program.

Educating in Cambodia

The Cambodian Children's Trust (CCT)